Books by Ruth Easterling
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Ruth Easterling

About the author
Based in Jackson, Michigan, forty- year old Ruth Easterling has been writing for most of her life and has always dreamed of publishing a book of her own. Ruth leads a quiet life by reading and working night shifts. She is married to a wonderful man who plays a positive role in her life. Ruth is a cat lover and owns several cats. She's an introverted and quiet person who would love to travel the world someday.



I have a book festival you can come and see me at! The details are in the graphic!

I'd be honored if you came out to see me! And buy my book of course

I'm looking forward to this very much. I'll just have my books and hopefully I'll have my second one out and you can get both books and a bookmark!

Come see me!

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Hi everyone,

I've now listed my book on KU!

I'm trying it for the next few months to see if it gets any hits. I'm hoping it'll do better this time around now that it's been out for awhile. And that it has a few reviews.

Check it out!

And let me know what you think!

Later my loves!

My book, Beneath Two Worlds, is still available at Amazon for $2.99 until the end of summer.

I'll probably raise the price to $4.99 in September.

So get your book while it's still a decent price!

Paperback is $14.99

Hardback is $24.99

All available at Amazon.

Ebook is available at other retailers.

Summer will end before you know it!

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